
This documentation is automatically generated by online-judge-tools/verification-helper

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:heavy_check_mark: test/aoj/cgl/1_C.test.cpp

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// verification-helper: PROBLEM

#include "src/real-geometry/common/float-alias.hpp"
#include "src/real-geometry/class/point.hpp"
#include "src/real-geometry/operation/ccw.hpp"

#include <iostream>

using namespace geometry::number::ccw;

int main() {
  using R = geometry::f80;
  using point = geometry::point< R >;

  point p0, p1;
  std::cin >> p0 >> p1;

  int q;
  std::cin >> q;

  while (q--) {
    point p2;
    std::cin >> p2;

    switch (geometry::ccw(p0, p1, p2)) {
        std::cout << "COUNTER_CLOCKWISE" << std::endl;
      case CLOCKWISE:
        std::cout << "CLOCKWISE" << std::endl;

      case ONLINE_BACK:
        std::cout << "ONLINE_BACK" << std::endl;

      case ONLINE_FRONT:
        std::cout << "ONLINE_FRONT" << std::endl;

      case ON_SEGMENT:
        std::cout << "ON_SEGMENT" << std::endl;
#line 1 "test/aoj/cgl/1_C.test.cpp"
// verification-helper: PROBLEM

#line 2 "src/real-geometry/common/float-alias.hpp"

namespace geometry {

  using f80 = long double;
  using f64 = double;

#line 2 "src/real-geometry/class/point.hpp"

#line 2 "src/real-geometry/class/vector.hpp"

#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

namespace geometry {

  template< typename R >
  class vec2d : public std::complex< R > {
    using complex = std::complex< R >;

    using complex::complex;

    vec2d(const complex &c): complex::complex(c) {}

    const R x() const { return this->real(); }
    const R y() const { return this->imag(); }

    friend vec2d operator*(const vec2d &v, const R &k) {
      return vec2d(v.x() * k, v.y() * k);

    friend vec2d operator*(const R &k, const vec2d &v) {
      return vec2d(v.x() * k, v.y() * k);

    friend std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, vec2d &v) {
      R x, y;
      is >> x >> y;
      v = vec2d(x, y);
      return is;

#line 4 "src/real-geometry/class/point.hpp"

#include <vector>

namespace geometry {

  template< typename R >
  using point = vec2d<R>;

  template< typename R >
  using points = std::vector< point< R > >;

#line 2 "src/real-geometry/operation/ccw.hpp"

#line 2 "src/real-geometry/numbers/ccw.hpp"

namespace geometry::number::ccw {

  constexpr int COUNTER_CLOCKWISE = +1;
  constexpr int CLOCKWISE         = -1;
  constexpr int ONLINE_BACK       = +2; // c-a-b
  constexpr int ONLINE_FRONT      = -2; // a-b-c
  constexpr int ON_SEGMENT        =  0; // a-c-b

#line 2 "src/real-geometry/operation/cross-product.hpp"

#line 4 "src/real-geometry/operation/cross-product.hpp"

namespace geometry {

  template< typename R >
  R cross_product(const vec2d<R> &a, const vec2d<R> &b) {
    return a.x() * b.y() - a.y() * b.x();

#line 2 "src/real-geometry/operation/inner-product.hpp"

#line 4 "src/real-geometry/operation/inner-product.hpp"

namespace geometry {

  template< typename R >
  R inner_product(const vec2d<R> &a, const vec2d<R> &b) {
    return a.x() * b.x() + a.y() * b.y();

#line 2 "src/real-geometry/utility/sign.hpp"

#line 2 "src/real-geometry/common/const/eps.hpp"

#line 4 "src/real-geometry/common/const/eps.hpp"

namespace geometry {

  inline static f80 &eps() {
    static f80 EPS = 1e-10;
    return EPS;

  void set_eps(f80 EPS) {
    eps() = EPS;

#line 2 "src/real-geometry/numbers/sign.hpp"

#line 2 "src/real-geometry/common/int-alias.hpp"

namespace geometry {

  using i32 = int;
  using i64 = long long;

#line 4 "src/real-geometry/numbers/sign.hpp"

namespace geometry::number::sign {

  constexpr i32 PLUS  = +1;
  constexpr i32 ZERO  =  0;
  constexpr i32 MINUS = -1;

#line 5 "src/real-geometry/utility/sign.hpp"

namespace geometry {

  using namespace geometry::number::sign;

  template< typename R >
  inline int sign(R r) {
    if (r < -eps()) return MINUS;
    if (r > +eps()) return PLUS;
    return ZERO;

#line 8 "src/real-geometry/operation/ccw.hpp"

namespace geometry {

  using namespace geometry::number::ccw;

  template< typename R >
  int ccw(const point<R> &a, point<R> b, point<R> c) {
    b = b - a, c = c - a;
    if (sign(cross_product(b, c)) == +1) return COUNTER_CLOCKWISE;
    if (sign(cross_product(b, c)) == -1) return CLOCKWISE;
    if (sign(inner_product(b, c)) == -1) return ONLINE_BACK;
    if (std::norm(b) < std::norm(c)) return ONLINE_FRONT;
    return ON_SEGMENT;
#line 6 "test/aoj/cgl/1_C.test.cpp"

#line 8 "test/aoj/cgl/1_C.test.cpp"

using namespace geometry::number::ccw;

int main() {
  using R = geometry::f80;
  using point = geometry::point< R >;

  point p0, p1;
  std::cin >> p0 >> p1;

  int q;
  std::cin >> q;

  while (q--) {
    point p2;
    std::cin >> p2;

    switch (geometry::ccw(p0, p1, p2)) {
        std::cout << "COUNTER_CLOCKWISE" << std::endl;
      case CLOCKWISE:
        std::cout << "CLOCKWISE" << std::endl;

      case ONLINE_BACK:
        std::cout << "ONLINE_BACK" << std::endl;

      case ONLINE_FRONT:
        std::cout << "ONLINE_FRONT" << std::endl;

      case ON_SEGMENT:
        std::cout << "ON_SEGMENT" << std::endl;
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